Saturday, February 13

Hi. I want to sleep, but i dont want to sleep. And i cant. :(((( Had fun today, CNY concert was overall awesome, plenty of our graduated seniors came down to see the performaces, and i MUST say most of them is getting HOTTER, PRETTIER AND CUTER! Yes, all the ERs' come out! Haha serious no kidding, especially _______. Kay shutz. So aft everything ended Jeniffer Khad Iqah Yana and me went to lot1. DAMNNNN~ The weather is like effing hot please, i perspired like one mad piggggggg.Exaggerating much! LOL. Sat at the rooftop to catch some fresh air(mcm phm fresh) and everyone went seperate ways. I went to Khad's crib cuz i want to finish up my homework asap, decided to study at her void-deck and we ended up NOT doing our hwk, but instead recording videos of us being crazy and all hyped up, singing songs and all. CRAZZZZZZZY RIGHT? There was this uncle who looked at us then nodded his head, funny sia that part. I know its a very random post -.- Okay im done for now. Takecare!