Monday, February 15

Hi ;> Sunday or shall i say V'day was spent picnic-ing, cham-whored like mad, home-ed, went online from 6pm to 3am. Webcam-ed with Fahmi till late night, was indeed a fun webcaming session with him, did some stupid stuff that shall not be mentioned here :) So today is what, a very mundane monday? Wont be going out i guess, cuz my dad is not fucking working today! Sadded, i have so many people to meet in mind. And there's only one day of holiday now.WHAT-THA-HELL! Kay that seems to be my fave word now. Heh! Okay so now i have no inci-winci clue what to do for the whole day? STUDY? Aiyaaa no mood lei, how? Hwk also no mood lei. Oh ya, last night i had a fucking mood-swing and it bothered me till 4am plus. SDLKFSJFSDKJFSD, bye ah :D IM BORED