Monday, March 1

Apparently, i feel very jaded after a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong day at school! So yesterday night went to MacDonald, last minute homework i shall say. So yeaaaaa, met Yan, wan and one of their friends tagged along. After do homework, dont know what to do so slack around, watch them play poker cards(solitare). I seriously dont get how people play that, veh confusing seh. Then they wanted to go home, so i accompanied Yan back home since i cannot go home due to some reasons, talktalk crap all the way then bid goodbye. I went under my block and waited for sis to come back. Wah, can die seh wait for her. Soooo long summore, lucky there's someone to talk on the phone with. Aft that baaaaaaam! Went straight to bed, hehe. Okay so lets talk bout school, today nothing much happened. Only that i screw up my math retest, like fuccck i tell you! It was freakin' hard compared to the first paper. Didnt had much time to complete, so some were left blank. ;/ I swear i feel like tearing the test paper, so mad at myself! ~##$#$^$#$@~@!%$&%** When can i like finally pass a math test? Haiz :( Okay luh, back to homework now people! Takecare love <3