Wednesday, February 10

hello hello? testing 123? Anybody here? haha my blog is so dead, yes i know. Veryveryvery x100 busy with school, and cca. We're only left like how many weeks left to the real competition, really hope we can win this. After all the sweat we spared, i hope it was really worth it. Cuz we've been training REAL hard, untill my skin is getting tanner than what is was suppose to be before. WTF. Okay so how's school, eh? Uhhhhh, only one word. DREADFUL! Teachers have been giving us homework every single day, without fail. School, cca, home, homework, sleep, wake up, go school. Like no life liddat lor, pffffffffffft~ I even have to spare my saturdays and sometimes sunday for my freakin' homework! Bleeeeeeah~ And now, i have nothing to talk about. Kayyy uh bye, i'm having a date with my English homework -_______- Takecare!