Thursday, May 21

imissyou );

First and foremost, Happy 15th birthday Aisyah :D
Sometimes i just ponder upon the stars if you still remember my name, seriously its been ages since you even approached me. Sighhh, wonder what happened to you. Dont just vanish like that leh, its so saddening to see your old bestf suddenly vanish just like that without even updating me on your life. Blehh! Ah fcuk there's camp tmr and i've yet to pack my bag siazz and i havent even confirmed with the rest yet about the logistics. I'm scared if it doesnt turn out the way we wanted it to be. All so last minute manzz, omgoose! There's still some stuffs not bought yet for the camp, and im supposed to buy them?! Wtf kay im so lost la. I'll be away for three days, till Sunday. OH! Kriss Allen won American Idol, cant wait for his new songs! hah dont believe me? Then go watch AI tonight -___- I think i did badly for MYE, real bad. Idk how to face my parent D; And next thursday parents-teacher-meeting. Kay im so gonna be dead, im sure my mother's gonna blabber non-stop about me. And Ms Chew managed to show us a short movie tittled Army Days, i sumpah its fcuking hilarious! Shake Haikel and his big fat tummy, vvvv cute sia. The whole class had a good time laughing through out the movie. Haha OH! I better get going before the going gets me heh. Kay bye fellas, dont miss me heh.