Sunday, May 24

Sexy back! Camp was ultra fun, especially the second day. Fyi, we planned all this. And Ncc was also having their camp, so we've got company! heh

1st day-
Reported at 3pm, allocate campers to their respective bunks and did footdrill. And im suprised that the sec ones could get the comands that fast. Bravaa behbeh, did outdoor cooking and ate maggie and etc. And im so happy i could eat baked beans for aft so long not eating. Kay i know lame. Lights off, me and afifa did our night duty to patrol around the level. Diana wasnt sleeping so we three sat in the middle of parade square and star gazed while talking cock till 5.45am. Supaa funny! We only had 1hour of sleep till tmr morning.

2nd day-
Campfire and Barbeque-ing. It was hell of a ride, exco commitee was running here and there just to prepare for the campfire and Barbeque-ing. You really cant imagine how fcuking tired we are, then we carried all the heavy heavy stuffs summore. Bricks charcoal barbeque pit benches and alot more others. Now im supaa tired, my legs and hands are ultra numb and weak. Body vvvv weak sia D; Performance wasnt that bad, then proceed to Barbeque, had sucha hard time getting all the food fully cooked. Fanned the charcoal untill our arms gonna break gitu. Followed by night walk, they had to go to the fourth level(which most people say its haunted) and assigned routes. All the lights were off, btw. Some cried, and that wasnt unexpected siaz. That's what you call confidence walk.

3rd day-
Campers was assinged to clean different alocation. haha! and pity BRAVO, they had to clean up the toilets! One of us accidentaly spill the charozine(wtv its spelled) for soaking the log wood for campfire. Then no choice, everyone poured water trying to reduce any flamable reaction bcos that charozine thingy is highy flamable, the whole school might get burn. Blablabla, i had to go up and down, through and fro to get things for them. Seriously, i cant take it siazzzz. Fcuking tired, i've never felt this tired before.

Much more happened but to fcuking lazy-ass to elaborate more. Fingers macam mau patah hehz! I wonder why unknown people suddenly tag my blog. Ermmm thanks for your effort but really dont waste your time entertaining such Loser heh. ;/