Tuesday, May 19

Mother Fcuking loserrrrs!

All so last season photos, i wished i could bring back all those moments back D; Now its way much different, everyone's busy w their own stuffs. I so miss hanging out w them! I miss alot more people actually, just that i dont have their picz uh.

Had CIP just now and went to an Old Folks Home located in Geylang. Oh my goose! People there were so fcukingzz-ly kind and friendzzz-ly hehz. We're glad to see them putting on a smile everytime. But i gotta say some were pretty much anti-social. So then we did according to plan and when it was time to go off. We managed to snap pictures w them, and awww. Some even cried hehz. OH! Results are so unpredictable, i failed some and im not even suprised i failed math badly. Hah imma failure for math, standard formzzzz! -_- Uhkay i dont wish to go to school anymore, i feeeeel like a lazy-gila-babi siazz. Feel like slacking my whole life. No life -___- Pffffft and idk whats with my zzzzz?

Cb phone! 8 msg-es awaiting me and i cant open them D; Kay bye pretty humanzz!