Saturday, April 11

no use

try your best and reach me through, my cell is not fcuking working. Fcuk that!
Eh wtf sey Aini, never update her fcuking blog for fcuking long alr! -_- I know it seems like i've been neglecting my blog, like why fcuking own a blog when you dont fcuking update it? Oh fcuk's sake, enough of fcuk alr can? (Kay bebual sniri sak aku) Anyway thanks to lovelies for those messages, trying to cheer me up.

Today was tiring, the sun was scorching. Stood for hours, asking people for donations as its our FLAG DAY you see see see. But most of our tins were full, thanks to those generous people who spared thoughts for us. Aft all that, decided to head for bugis, we went MARRY GO ROUND and somewhere around there.. Out of the blue moon, there was this prettaye lady tapped my shoulder siala To my suprise, it was Haz! She was with Fee! I was like O-M-G ;O Finally get to see their pretty faces, exchange hugs and said our goodbyes. Meet you guys soon eh! And i think i was also that close into meeting Yazsar, he was at bugis shopping centre, and I was at bugis street. Gawd kill me! haaah. Kay thats about it, i will try to update more. Takecare, bye eh