Tuesday, March 31


Fuck, im fucking miffed with life! *you'll never know what im facing, so shut it up.

With family always being a brag. Infact sometimes we dont even say a single word to each other, im getting a hang of it actually. And friends quarreling here and there, sort out things soon kay guys. World needs peace man! (kay takda link) -_- I've been desperate of having a bestf that would probably listen to my problems and give me WISE advices and really get me deeply unlike some who just tells me off.

One word for them ' Pfffft-etic ! '
I need a friend who is loyal/ trust-whorthy/ faithful/honest/ down-to-earth.

If you think you match those personalities there, do call me at 99999990. We'll have a good chat and become bestfs. Yeay! Told you im desperate, but not really that desperate la! (K fake) If you're a fool, then silakan... Dail the number eh! Sadly, the one I really can depend now on is actually at CALIFORNIA, he'll be coming back soon enough i hope. Come back fast ah beb! ); I have alot to tell you yknow. Okay im off for now before my father gets home and does his thing. To those who're facing problems hope you'll get it resolved soon yea, if you need someone to confront. You've got me (:

W-o-w, am i that nice or what? HA HA? K world peace, bye O.o