Monday, April 13

utter disbelieve

It was only a matter of time before they found out the real you, pretty much the whole time they knew you.. You were just a whore. There's no turning around for sucha egoistic person like you, im so glad this happened. Serve you right manxxcxzz. That person should know if im refering to him.

Okay it was a slacking day i should say, didnt attend school simply bcos there's no school. Completed the assignments online and from there onwards, did online stuffs la. And guess what, Im an easy going person. You always try to look for the good in others and ignore the bad. When you want something you go for it. You just need someone to push you a little. -__- I know you wont believe it but its somewhat true. Pfft, been taking all kinds of quizzes in Facebook. O-m-g, im so solitared. There's no one to text/talk to. W76Oi, Please recover soon D; I promise i'll treat you with much more care and concern. I'm left with nothing else to say, so i will update soon. World peace babe