Sunday, April 25

Life's playing games with me, god's giving me a big challenge i cant handle. And i dont like it. Need i say more? Life sucks for now. Dad's giving me alot of problems, my studies are affected. Now, i cant even finish a single homework. I keep thinking about it, it just makes me wanna cry. Oh urmm, i did cry. I used to be a strong girl, but not anymore. Not only dad, but i'm love-sick. People come people go, but the people you expect to stay with you forever infact wont stay with you forever. I dont wanna sound so emotional here, so i'll just stop typing about this shit aye? 

Alright, so i was out the whole saturday. Phew! It was tiring indeed. In the afternoon, went for math remedial with the others. Was worth it, remedials are always worth it for me. Heh, okay then ended at around 1. Fai texted me to confirm if we were meeting, then i said YES. Sorry to my friends, i couldnt tag along to study with you guys at lot1. So i hurriedly went home, get changed, but the minute i wanted to step out of the house. IT RAINED! I was like fuck, HOW TO GO OUT LIKE THIS. So yeaaa, waited for the rain to calm down then headed to bugis National lib, meet Fai and Merk(his friend), then came along his cousin and another two of their friends. They were all friendly, so yeaaa. But that time, my mood swing came so i didnt talk much. SORRY ;( And i didnt eat, grrrr. Walk walk around bugis street, decided to head home around 8plus. Bid our goodbyes, and that was it. Meet soon pretty please, heeeh. Okay fuck my homeworks are not done yet, i guess im off now. BYE 

xoxo, aini