Thursday, April 15

Gum is fine, but now sore eyes. What next? My life is soooooooo miserable! Especially when my eyes are one big and small, and one is red while the other side is not. I look like a red-eyed monster :( Boohoo i feel so retarded. Many told me to visit the docter, but i did'nt want to. Not to cause any inconvinience but i seriously dont wanna miss my remedial lesson and also lesson, because there's Math level test tomorrow. And moreover, exams are reaching soon. Therefore, its not a very good time to take MC. Sorry friends. I hope i wont spread my germs to any of you guys :) OMG i realise that my eyebags are getting more obvious, grrrrr hate hate hate it sooo much! Darrrrrn it, there's two test clashing tmr which is Math and Chem, both are level test so i shall take it seriously and mug tonight. Well it wont be that effective, but atleast i can get some facts in my bloody mind eeyyy? HAHA okaaaaay gotta go and study guys.

XOXO, aini