Sunday, January 31

Hihihihihihihihihihi ;> I have no fucking clue why i woke up in the middle of the morning, and now i cant go back to sleep. Nothing better to do so i decided to blog lor since my dad is not home, only me and ma sisters! That explains clearly why the house is in a real mess right now, hehe! So yesterday went to suntec to catch SANTAU, omg damn scary i tell ya. I screamed quite a plenty of times, suspense here and there. Overall, great movie! :> Today? No plans yet so far, but thinking to meet Khad somewhere and complete our homeworks which keeps pilling up day by day. Sec4 life currently suck like hell :( I hate my dad ah, cannnn? I dont know why but it seems that we cant get along anymore. I feel like shouting right in his face and tell him how i feel. @$^#^#^@!% Kay whatever shitttttt uh. Byeeeeeeeeeeez lovelies <3