Tuesday, January 26

Hello all! I am not happy with my life, especially when im at
home. Everyday must have quarrellings with my dad. I cant take
it know, every little thing i do is always wrong to him. Nothing is
right! I dont know why but i did cried about this. Fcukkkk ahh.
But at school, i try my very hard to keep aside all these stupid shit
going in my house and focus on my studies. So you'll be seeing me
smiling and being bubbly as always in school. HEH ;/ And yes, i failed
my first math test of the year. How cool? NOT! I really need to buck
up on math, i need a tutor! :( Haiya, hopefully i'll pass my POA test uh eh.
Kay la thats about it. I dont wanna talk much, so takecare kay! :)