Thursday, December 31

How's everyboday today? Its new year's eve, believe it or not! Why do time pass so fast, i dont wanna go back to school. Though i wonder why most people cant wait to go to school, like whoooat? I cant fucking go out cuz my parents are so unreasonable, like wtf ah sial seriously. I hate this! Its new year's eve and everybody wants to party, and have fun.. To those people going for countdown, i hope yguys have a blast aye. Still trying to complete my homeworks that are left undone, gosh this is so last minute. haha! BLEAH, i dont know what im gonna do today at home. And otp with helmi ytd till midnight, he was coughing non-stop hits i tell you. haha pity you, get well soon okay? I bet all my friends are going out celebrating new year, rightttttttt? And im stuck here in this sucky place, if only i had super powers. Can go invisible and go places to places with just a wink of an eye. Okay wth? Me and my stupid imaginations -.- haha k byeeeeeee people!