Sunday, August 9

Hihihihihizxcz, it feels gud staying at home alone on a Sunday and getting to complete your homeworks with peace and prosperity without my noissssey sitsters(wah mentah2 national day) Meeting mum and sisterz later and idk where'll we be heading to.. For now i get the whole house to myself, muahah.. But still i have to complete my homework before going out which i dont think i'll be able to D.U.H -,- I am so pissed with my phone lately, becuz i receive messages hours after the message is being sent. Trying to make me throw you? Thats exactly what im gonna do!(when i get a new one) Wtf? Looks like im gonna have to bear with this phone untill after Hari Raya. Speaking of which, Fasting month is next 2weeks,wait isnt that just alittle bit TOO FAST?!?!! I guess thats just how things are now, fast motion. Too bad for people who are s-l-o-w, like ME! Boooo i think i'm gonna have to get back to my homeworks now, byeeeeeeeez.. Before i forget, Happy 44th years of Independance to SINGAPORE! *Shakes booty ;D