Wednesday, August 19

  didnt attend school today becuz i was attacked(wah llike drama series like that)by asthma this morning, couldnt sleep well all becuz of this. I couldnt stand so i woke up around 4am in the morning, called mum saying i cant afford to go to school looking like an idiot catching my own breathe. If you kids think having asthma is cool, than for godness sake try being in my shoes. Its like fcuking hell difficult to do things, cuz everytime you do any obvious movements, your heartbeat will go faster and you'll run out of breath. And in the end, you'll eventually look like an half dead goldfish! Right, so after  thati tried to get back to sleep but my eyes refuse to close.. So might as well stay up untill morning and wait till my sisters wake up, and help them get ready fo school. Yessa! And i managed to read plenty of chapters of my novel but still a long way to go to finish up the whole book and then get started on the next novel. Yeay, reading books is fun! And please, im not a nerdy nerdy bookworm(like what helmi said). Please know the meaning of bookworms properly eh boy. So yeaaaaa, for the whole day i've been doing nothing except for read books eat sleep watch tv read textbook and play with Tonet. Mhmmm wondering what intresting shows are on tonight? Hopefully there will be atleast some shows lah, or else i will not have any excuses for staying up. Bleeeeeh, LIFE is such a bore now days... I miss alot of people :( Kay la enough said, i wanna go eat. Jemput semuaaaa!