Sunday, August 2

Best! Mum brought home a packet of marshellows. Thks to that, i've got a smile plastered on my fcuking face.. Now that things are not going that well, i think i might need marshmellows by my side everynight. Idk why but eating marshmellows seems like a happy thing to me, it brings me back to my childhood days.. All those running around, sharing food with my friends during recess, playing catching.. Ah i miss those old good days man. Stayed home the whole day playing with my cat, talking to him, sharing with him my feelings, i know that sound really stupid but you see.. Cats are always the best person to turn up to when you've got nobody to run to when you feel like crying and when you feel so fcuking crappy. Tmr's monday and im not prepared to go to school, homework's half done and bag not packed yet.. I'm always the lazy girl when it comes to school. Bleeeeh, but i cant stick to being a lazy ass now because exams are coming soon. So might wanna buck up a little more, i mean friggin ALOT! Haha, kay that's all fo today.. Update soon :) *fly awaaaaay!