Friday, July 17

Yeay, imma happy duckling cuz i just came back at 10.10pm sharp! Okay not, obviously that's not the main reason, if you're sooo stupid! I'm actually happy cuz i got to spend the day with mum.............. ALONE! After school went back home straight, and Artika told me A___ was glancing at me from the opposite side of LRT platform.. I was like, eh?? Really? OMG, okay maybe im having the wrong idea.. But nevermind. HAH, so reached home changed and went to Redcross Headquaters to take those needed items with mum tagging along. So yadayadayada, went to eat at KFC at Plaza Sing.. and sumthing real funny happened. Shan't share it with you people, or else i'll bet you laugh like an maniac. Alright, then we walked around.. Buy things here and there, by then it was already 8pm.. Tired, so went to STARBUCK(LUVZZ) and drank sumthin. HEH HEH, the guy so cute leh. Okay shushh! We chit-chatted a lil bit, and then off she went to her work place while I went home all alone. And what's up with Singaporeans now days? I was sitting at the back off the bus and this Malay guy sat beside me.. He was like shifting nearer and nearer to me untill i had to squeeze myself. He fell alseep and his head almost touched my shoulder! Errrrrr, its not like im your girlfriend or sumthin can sleep on shoulder one. Grrrrrrrrrr! :#

Maybe to you, its no big deal going out with a mum alone for the first time. FYI, We barely have time to talk to each other, and even sumtimes i dont get to see her that often cuz she's always busy with work. I'm not like you, so dont ever compare me with you. HAHA, everyone is asking what's that thing pasted on my neck! And i have to anwser, " its a p-l-a-s-t-e-r! My cat bite me. " Lovebite kapala pantat korang eh, muhahehu ;p