Friday, May 29

Eyeeeeer, i so miss donut empire! D; Someone nice treat me to donut empire? I miss the donut paradise moment! Hahz Swear legs are aching like fcuk. Had ptm just now, and didnt expect cher to talk that much about me, thought it was the other way round. Mom didnt even complained bout me, lucky me heh. Cher asked me to prepare a timetable for myself for this June holiday and asked me to sumbit my timetable to her via-emaill. See how teachers can bug you? But its well, for my own good too hehz. Guess what my mum said about the teachers in the school?

Mum: eyerr, why your teachers all like not teachers like that?
Me: Uh? What you mean?
Mum: All dress up like nerdnerd and informal like that.
Me: Then you expect them to wear like all those clarks wear in offices ah? giving her that look*
Mum: More high class lah!

Okay i know v lame, but i somehow agree lehz. No offence ah cherzz, heeeh! My whole body is starting to ache because ytd i had alot going on. First it was cross country, as usual we did our duty and stood there for hours for everyone to complete their run. Well more of like a WALK? Nobody ran, except for the compatative runners. Our school so lazy-ass! -__- Other school also did participate, and yeay! I saw Rina Goodgirl when the ceremony ended, finally eh jiwer. Hahz Then went to Iqah's house with the others tagging along, cooked maggie goreng as a team. Haha kay iqah's kitchen was seriously kecoh. Her cat grew so fast i tell you, sucha big girl alr. But still, atleast my kitten is still small hehz. Then Khad and i ran back to school because we got this Financial carnival thingy at Clementi Town sec which is sucha big and brand new school. Jealous much! Played games related to POA and headed home by ourselves, that part was so irritating. Finding the right bus was fcuking hard -_- Reached home around 6plus and that was when someone called me. Yeay!
My jaws went wide open the moment i saw my report card. Was unexpected from me, but nvm. Gonna work hard this time, gotta buck up and pull up my socks real high girl.. Tsktsk, i promise to be attentive in classes, stay awake in lessons, never sleep during lessons, no more gossiping in class, no more slacking. Heheh! Lets just see if i mark my words, because Promises are meant to be broken, right? Okay no, hopefully not. Its really time to buck up behbeh. I wanna go Polytechnic! If not Polyclinic also can, eh? Kay no! -_- Im gonna entertain my kitten now, he's meow-ing like one idiotic fellow! Chaozzz fellas, enjoy your freaking short holiday!