Wednesday, March 18

Wednesday, 18 March

first up, i wna wish my girlfriend, Khairiyah a vvvvv. happy 15th birthday. Wahh, 15 already sey orang tu. Am sorry if i didnt get you a gift or even celebrate with you. Have a good day ahead, and may god bless you w manymany good things okay. And congrats for being a strong girl when things turn out so bad, YOU GO AH GIRL! *k the AH tak perlu (L)

Kay yesterday night was the best, i get to meet that someone as planned. *jumps highhigh Bleah, so today stayed at home like always and there's alot more assignments to be done. Gawd, i wished i had a robot that can think for me, or even better do all my homework for me. (WAHH!) Shiok ah. Wa-lan-oi, tmr got Chemistry extra class somemore. HA HA. Kay i'll stop here before i crap even more. So update soooon yea. Takecare!