Friday, February 27

Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, imma sad little gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl. )))))))))))))))));
I kinda reggreted to have posted ytd's post, cause i can see a slight improvement in him. Cheybah, proud uh. Kay, enough talking.. Just came back from school, as pernormal uh. Like you dont know, CCA! Zulaikha and I was asked to be the first-aiders for th soccer match going on just now. It was Widley Sec(spelling!) vs our school.So we spent our whole day at the feild, watching soccer girls work their ass out on the ball. Wah lan oi! They were superb, see.. This proves that, girls can do anything that boys can(execpt for the peeing part, yknow what i mean lah). -.- There were some casualties, and all i gotta say was.. Being a first-aider is NOT... I repeat, NOT easy at all. Pffffffft! And and yknow what, someone fainted and we both were paniced, omg that was my first time seeing someone faint, but lucikly she was alright. B) Run here, run there.. But cant be blame cos thats what we do. YAY US! Acap msg-ed and told me he was ard bp, so i dropped by at the stage/open space or whatever you call it, near bpp and meet Acap fer while, omgomgomg you cant imagine how much i missed him. So long since we met and skate. This time he brought many skaters uh..

Acap: Ehh, hi!
Them: Acappp, adeq kaw perrr?
Me: (with much enthusiasm) eh, ah ah luh ah ah! -.-"
All: laughed like nobody's business lorrh!

Too bad, too sad i cant join him along. If only i could stay longer, can learn skating alr! Wa-lan-oi!I keep saying that now and then, mind you freaks! Kay im tired, im hungry, im missing alot of my homies(lost contact ready), i cant wait to watch pesta perdana(YAY), and i wna sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep for countless hours man. I missed sleeping like a hippo, and snoring like a cute-lil-pinky piggggg! (Kay fake) Kay uh, i wna continue reading my book which i borrowed, trust me.. I read, and forget the world. (tk ingat dunia luhh kan) -.-
Kay byeee.