Tuesday, March 2

Wazzzup sexaye butts! Looks like im back for incentive blogging sessions tonight huh?! HA HA, booooohoooo~ I have been lying on my couch for hours now, starring into blank spaces and pondering about some matters. And i cant seem to close my eyes. How leh? I have school tomorrow, and i dont wanna end up sleeping in anyone of my teacher's classes! Wakeywakey~ There's only 188days left to ma major exams, and also for the rest of the sec4's. Imagine all the holidays, and weekends taken away. That'll be like only how many days left?!!?!?!!? OMGOMGOMGOMOGM, FREAK OUT TIME PEEEEEOPLE* PLUSPLUS! I haven't even revised my sec3 work! Currently otp with this sumone, for the sake of killing time la eh. Kesian per kene kejar bus, tsktsk. HA HA~ Aiyaaa, school have been fine. Only in terms of circle of friends, but not in terms of studies! Been failing my math, even for the retest. Math, you've been bugging me all my life ;( When can i finally get rid of you uhh? Pffffft~