Tuesday, March 16

Greeting my fellow readers ^^ How ya'll been? Hope everything is doing fine. Yes holidays has started, and for the two days that passed, i only managed to complete a quarter of my math worksheet. And believe it or not, i still got alot of homework yet to be done. Fucking lazy la please ;( Oh yes redcross annual camp was great, it was da BOMB. The best camp compared to recent years! Me like it, hehe. So what have i been doing the pass few days? You want to know? Okay i tell you. Ummm, text ppl the whole day, watch tv, sleep, do homework, go online, webby with ppl, eat and sleep. WAAAAAAAAH, gerek pe life. Slack all the way gytuk ehh! Haha, but i've gotta admit that life is kinda boring when there's no school. No kidding.. But the weird thing is, when i'm at school. I dont feel like schooling but going home and slack. WTH! -..- Yessa, tmr going out! Like finally eh, but with who. You dont have to know ^^ Nyeeeeeeeeeet! Oh ya, btw went jogging with mum and sissy earlier in the evening just now. LIKE OH-MY-GAWD(EHEM EHEM! trying to sound bimbotic) i was like jogging all the way non-stop, and i was like sweating like a pig you know. Damn tiring lah like omg!  hopefully i lose atleast 1/2kg by jogging laa eh? Because i think i'm growing fat yknow. Like omg, nooo? Okay seriously stop it with the bimbo tone la aini, you cant be a bimbo just face it! HAHA wth am i talking to myself? Eeh i think im gonna end this post before i talk to myself even more, ltr you ppl think i crazy. Which i am OBVIOUSLY not. Hohoho, okay bye!

xoxo, Aini