Sunday, July 12

nobody but you

MotherF! I so got alot of homeworks to complete, like countless of workSHITZXXCCZX yknow. Dont believe? Ask Khadijah! HA HA, the first day i returned back to school from AYG.. She handed me this whole chunk of worksheet. Err wait, how am i suppose to complete them when i havent even learnt about the chapters? Ahhhhhhhhhh, yea.. So much for going to AYG duties. Serve me loh. Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeh~ Kay byeeeeeez wanna do homework, just tikam2 la can? Atleast i tried what, right? *happy homeworking to myself )))))))))))))):

current song listening to: Nobody- wonder gurlzzzzz (Eh the song veh addictive) *sings along
Sibeh, stop stalking me pleazzcxzczxcze! Its so annoying la yknow : /