Wednesday, June 17

Today was spent quite well with my rc girls. Went to SGH to take this bird flu vaccination, and they injected our arm except mine cuz i just came back from Malaysia. I came there all becuz of nothing! But atleast i had fun when we reached Plaza Sing. Had a very hard time deciding what to eat, atlast ate at Pizza hut. We waited for sucha long time for the food to arrive. Ate and camwhored, what girls do mah. Laughed our lungs/ buttock/ heart out! Seriously, very funny ah that part only we know you dont know. Everybody gave us that look to shuddap. But we just kept laughing like our own bussines. HA HA, so what? Atleast we had fun. Let me spell it out, F.U.N! Lolz, imma bit crazy today. Maybe becuz of just now HA HA. Oh yea, We got discount becuz Meidah has the discount card. So when we were leaving the place, got this tak tawu malu guy who asked for my number. I said ah yela yela, and ofcuz i dint give him my number. Ish, no way malas nk layan sia. HA HA -__- Then we walked around the mall and carved for sooooooo many things la. Next time come, i make sure my pocket loaded! HA HA. Then we went to this empty space and discussed about some rc things for this friday. Got training siala, confirm tired one. Then we walked to the MRT station and trained home. Kay im tired, confirm tido mati punye hari ni. HE HE, kay i cant wait to watch prison break later! Bye fellas