Saturday, February 7

Saturday, Feb 07 2009

Meet Hilary Duff with her new deckkkk!
Today sucked big time. BOOOOOOOOO! Had a big fight with mom over a small matter. Seriously ah, she's getting on my nerves. I was wearing my socks and getting ready to go and all, out of a sudden..

Mom: Eh, kak nk pegi mane? .. Dgn sape?
Me: Kluar dgn kwn luh. Kan dh bilang.
Mom: Sape name dier?
Me: Uh, Syafiqah. Eh tktk.. Errr. *freaking out alr
Mom: Ahhhh.. Tgktgk, kluar dgn sape pon tak tawu. Dh dh, dudok rumah je.
Me: Ehhh! Tadi kan ibu ckp boley kluar?
Mom: Ahhh, tkdr2. Dudok rumah, buat homework je.
Me: Ape sehh?! Please uh, kluar pon sekali-skale per.
Mom: Dh dh, jgn banyak ckp lah kak.
Me: *Shouts, went back in my room and shuts th door.

See.. Parents are sucha pain in th ass. Pffffft! I was actually going out to meet Acap and learn skating. And then, there went a last minute backup. Wtf ahhh! A wasted chance. I think my dreams of wanting to be a skater, can be thrown away alr. Cos surely they wont let me skate, thats for sure. But no, i still want to skate. I'll prove them that, girls can also be skaters. Whoaaaaaaaa ^^ Dgn confident eh aku bbl. *grins Kay nvm about that, i think my weekends are gonna be a bore especially when im stuck at my homeworks. Shit, i seriously dont get POA. Sucha waste of time and also papers drawing a ledger of T-accounts and whatever account. I need remedials, please! Not only for POA, but also other subjects thats giving me double the headache. But i think, i can do better at Physics after Mr.Lim's rounds and rounds of explanation. Thanks^^ And wow, am i impressed.. I managed to NOT talk to mom for the whole day. *around of applause yeah Uhkay, i think thats all about today. Update sooon alrighteh. Goodnight and sweetdreams. (: