Thursday, June 3
Fucking IRRITATING bodoh kaw! Can you like for once think how others feel? And not only think of yourself. You think you're the only person in earth with feelings? No, you're fucking wrong. Aku macam nak pijak2 kepala kaw gitu, boley? Stop being self-centered! You think i'm happy with what i have now? No, i also face alot of problems in life. I deserve to be treated better than a fucking dog. Eeeeee serious la, i cannot take it. I also dont know how to let my tantrum out. I'm im mad please to talk to me, i might eat you up like a monster. Seriously. And moreover, i'm effing hungry. Only ate a fucking porridge for whole of today. Came back home, not even a single food at the kitchen. Gawd, i think i'd better be dead. Life sucks that i feel like crying.